The Great (Irrelevant) Debate: Is your Church Missional or Attractional – Part 1

Each new model tells us why the way we are doing church isn’t working or isn’t good enough. We are told how all the previous model were fads and the newest one is going to replace all of them. We are told we need to change everything, go back to the drawing board and do something different—because everything we’ve done in the past was misguided, ineffective and possibly even sinful.

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Tim Stevens
Put Your Mask on First

If you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be very helpful to the people around you. You will be worthless to those you are trying to help. You will snap, respond in anger, judge too quickly, lean too much on truth when a bit more love is needed.

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Tim Stevens
Who Is Your First Team?

When the organization is in a season of health, you rarely have to consciously decide where your loyalty lies. But when the organization is unhealthy or in a season of dysfunction—you may have to decide multiple times a day: Where is my loyalty? Who is my first team?

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Tim Stevens
Identity is a Powerful Force

What if, instead of wrapping up who I am in my identity, I wrapped up my identity in who I am. What if people knew me as someone who is honest? Someone who listens. Someone who is kind. What if I was known as someone who will be there when life crashes down around you?

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Tim Stevens
It's Not Complicated

"Discipleship" is a buzz word that every pastor and church leader is familiar with. Every pastor is leaning in to figure out what it is, how to measure it, and what they are responsible for. But I wonder if sometimes we over-complicate the issue.

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Tim Stevens