As 2019 begins, I want to hold people tight. I want to live in the moment with the people I love. I want to get better every day loving others well. I want to think before I speak. I want to assume the best of others.
Read MoreNearly every day, I’m getting on airplanes and driving through rush-hour traffic. I don’t see my neighbors much. Sometimes the pace is relentless. Sometimes I wish for the quiet.
Read MoreIn my 13 years of blogging, I’ve never written a blog review. Until now.
Read MoreIn one of those moments when just the right words came, I answered, “I belong to a church that throws birthday parties for whores at three-thirty in the morning.” Harry waited a moment, then he answered, “No you don’t. There’s no church like that. If there was, I’d join it. I’d join a church like that!”
Read MoreAnd that is my hearts desire, not to see my Waffle House friends as a project or future sermon illustration—but people who are in pain that simply need somebody to love them.
Read MoreHere’s a startling fact: Many of the things you do to help a small church grow are the very things that will eventually kill the church if you continue doing them. That’s right. A senior pastor who wants nothing more than to see the church grow could, in fact, single-handedly kill its growth.
Read MoreOccasionally I’ll get asked for advice from a first-time aspiring author. After seven published books, I have some thoughts. Here is how I responded to a recent inquiry…
Read MoreIt takes a daily decision to be people who are different because of our love for others…people who are marked by love. Love can make the difference. Let’s start in our homes.
Read MoreHere is my confession: I still have lots of questions. The older I get, the less I know.The closer I move toward Jesus, the more questions I have. The more I read my Bible, the fewer things seem black and white. I was sure of a whole lot more when I was eighteen. But now, I just don’t know.
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