Leadership Summit Session #4-B: Efrem Smith
Quotes from Efrem Smith on Loving Others
Efrem delivered a refreshingly, balanced message on multi-cultural ministry.
- 1 in 100 people in 1970 were born of a mixed race; in 2000 it was 1 in 19 people.
- A leader doesn't have to be an expert. He/she must be willing to step out and lead.
- When Jesus comes back it is ultimate justice, but until then it is "just us."
- If you can't love across race and class today, you can't love today.
- In order for the church to be socially innovative and transformative, it can not be separated by race.
- There is still a need for ethnic-centric churches. But communities around the country are multi-ethnic communities with ethnic-centric churches...that's not right.
- You are more than a white guy or a black woman. You are a child of God.