Faith Schiller
Marketing Advisor
Faith is the Teaching and Weekend Experience Pastor at Damascus Road Community Church and an M.Div Student at Fuller Theological Seminary. Previously Faith was a pastor at Willow Creek Community Church where she led the church's strategy to become more effective in reaching young people, reversing a decade-long trend toward becoming older as a congregation.
Faith is passionate about young leaders and encouraging organizations to recognize and empower their unique perspectives and gifts. With a proven track record in digital strategy, Young Adult Ministry, content development and preaching, and Mulit-Generational Ministry—Faith synthesizes her broad experience to help churches and organizations reach, engage, and retain the next generation in all areas of ministry. In a world that demands certainty and polarization, Faith believes the local church should be the safest place for young people to express doubts, ask questions, find form for failure, and navigate the nuances of life and belief.
Faith’s Focus:
Young Adult Ministry
Multi-Generational Ministry