A World of Us vs Them

We have lost the ability to “agree to disagree.” We have stopped treating people with the dignity that every human being deserves. We don’t seem able to discuss or debate a weighty topic without attacking the person who takes the other position.

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Tim Stevens
Are You a Multi-Site Church? Or a Church With Multi-Sites?

I remember when this question was first posed to me about 20 years ago. I had no idea what that meant. I said, “Yes to both.” The expert in front of me said, “Nope, it’s one or the other.” As we began to move into multiple locations at Granger, I began to understand the difference. And now that I’ve worked with hundreds of churches, and am back in the seat of Executive Pastor of Campuses and Culture at Willow Creek – it’s become even more clear.

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Tim Stevens
Willow: A New Day

It was Tuesday morning on a cold day in March 2021. We were gathered in Dave Dummitt’s office for our weekly senior leadership team meeting. Dave came in with an intensity in his eyes.

“Now is the time. We need to put new language to why we exist and what we are about. We need to begin talking with our people about our mission and vision. We can wait no longer.

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Tim Stevens
A Limited 3-Day Experience for Church Leaders in Orlando

I don’t love conferences. It’s not the best environment for me to learn. I need engagement and conversation with others to take a deep-dive on topics that matter to me. I need time to think, a place for hallway conversations, and the sharing of ideas over good food and drinks. For years I’ve wanted to plan the type of gathering that I would want to attend, the environment where I would be most likely to learn — and then invite others to join me. It’s happening.

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Tim Stevens
Reflecting on My First 18-Months at Willow

I lived in the midwest in the United States, and heard about a church nearby that was focused on reaching people far from God. It had started in a movie theater -- and in fact was still holding services in that theater when I first attended. My work at the time gave me the opportunity to personally work in more than 500 churches, but this was unlike any church I had ever visited. They weren’t going after the “already convinced.” Instead, they were focused on people who were uncomfortable with the idea of church.

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Tim Stevens
Executive Pastor Coaching Network Session 1 Recap

On Monday, January 25th, we held our first Executive Pastor Coaching Network session of the year. Our speaker Dan Reiland, an author, speaker, and Executive Pastor of 12Stone Church, offered an hour full of thoughtful and timely insights into the art of coaching your team members well.

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Tim Stevens