Transitions are difficult. Emotions can run high. But so much is at stake, we must get this right.
Read MoreNo pastor ever plans to blow up his or her church. Until they do.
Read MoreI’m pulling together two leaders for one-week of training for lead pastors. We are limiting this to 25 pastors, and the slots are already filling up. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Read MoreImagine a pastor who serves faithfully at a church for 20 or 30 or 40 years, and is well-loved by the congregation. Then in their final months when engaging conversations about succession, feelings get hurt, things are said in the emotion of a moment, and they leave their church feeling dejected and pushed out.
Read MoreWhen a pastor is retiring or transitioning, and a successor is being considered--there are typically three common types of transition. Sometimes a church can strategically choose--other times the decision is thrust upon them and pre-determined outside the control of the leaders. But those transitions typically fall into one of these categories …
Read MoreWe’ve already acknowledged that pastoral succession is the elephant in the room of many church elder or board meetings. So what is the right time to begin talking about succession? Let’s look at seven signs.
Read MoreSuccession is the elephant in the room of every church with a pastor that is in their mid-50’s or older. The pastor doesn’t want to bring it up too soon, because he or she fears that the just mentioning the word will bring it on faster than they would like. And the Board or Elders don’t want to bring it up, because they don’t want to give any indication they are trying to push the pastor out.
Read MoreIt’s time to quit being frustrated by people’s irregular attendance and embrace it! Churches that are winning are finding ever-better ways to keep their members engaged even when they aren’t there in person.
Read MoreIn whatever method you find to “do” church – it can be both missional and attractional. It can be about both sending and gathering. It can be about equipping your people to be a difference in their homes and workplaces. And it can also be about putting on an attractive weekend service that makes it easy for your members to invite the people they care about the most.
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