Friday Finds - Promotions, Customer Service and Organizational Growth

I spent a couple days this week driving through torrential downpours of rain in Florida. Glad to get back to sunny Houston! The driving gave me time to contemplate my final days in this decade called the 40's. I thought when I got here, I might dread turning 50 years old. But I'm actually looking forward to what lies ahead. I'm sure my posts next week will be full of wisdom that I didn't have when I was only 49-years old. We shall see.

But in the meantime, here are some leadership articles we've found to challenge or grow you:

Why You Haven't Been Promoted Yet by Bob Sutton via Vanderbloemen Search Group

Maybe you've been waiting weeks, months, or even years for a promotion. It's easy to get discouraged in the waiting period, but it's worth evaluating the reasons why you're there. My friend and colleague Bob Sutton provides a handful of self-evaluating questions to ask if you're waiting on a promotion.

All Great Customer Service Cultures Share These 8 Elements. How Does Your Company Measure Up? by Micah Solomon via Forbes

Companies with exceptional customer service all share certain characteristics that make them stand out as leaders of the culture pack. Use these 8 traits from Micah Solomon to evaluate where your company stands on the customer service scale. 

7 Things That Get Harder As Your Church Grows via Carey Nieuwhof

It's dangerous (and easy) to believe the lie that all problems fade when an organization hits a growth spurt. In fact, many leaders fail to predict the myriad of problems that arise because of rapid growth. If your church finds itself in a season of growth, pay close attention to these 7 easy mistakes from Carey Nieuwhof. 

Why So Many Churches Are Too Busy via Rainer on Leadership Podcast

Have you noticed that your church is just too busy lately? In this podcast episode, Thom Rainer explores the potential reasons behind a hectic church season and why it could be problematic in the future. Church leaders, you won't want to miss this!

What are you reading or listening to this week? Let me know in the comments below.

Tim Stevens