Friday Finds - The Millennial Generation, Nutrition Bars, and Pastor Search Committees

Photo via Jake Melara, Unsplash

Photo via Jake Melara, Unsplash

June is Pastor Search Committee month here at Vanderbloemen Search Group, and we've benefitted from being able to provide and share resources for churches going through a search of their own. In most cases, the ability to lead well is first and foremost what drives a successful search. Needless to say, I've felt very inspired to search for the best solutions for leaders around the country, no matter their position.

Here are a few articles I've gathered to help you lead smarter this week. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. 

7 Things Pastors Should Do Every Monday by Kevin Lloyd via

The Monday Blues are real. They affect positions in both ministry and the corporate worlds, but especially pastors. Kevin Lloyd gives 7 great strategies for pastors to overcome this slump and power through the week ahead. 

The Official Handbook for Pastor Search Committees with William Vanderbloemen [Podcast] via Vanderbloemen Search Group

All throughout the month of June, Vanderbloemen Search Group is providing resources for pastor search committees to better conduct searches for their organization. In this podcast, William Vanderbloemen discusses the challenges and rewards pastor search committees face. 

How Quest Nutrition Crafted $1B Corporate Culture by Josh Linkner via Detroit Free Press

While there is no shortage of options when it comes to nutrition bars in today's grocery stores, one company is seeming to stand out among the others. Quest Nutrition has been named the No. 2 fastest-growing company in America by Inc. Magazine and attributes the success to its culture.

Millennials Are Now The Largest Generation - Get Used To It by Ben Schiller via Co.Exist

Millennials have now surpassed the Baby Boomers as the largest generational group, according to a study done by Pew Research. Ben Schiller on Co.Exist describes how this will (if it hasn't already) affect the workplace and how leaders can prepare it.

Tim Stevens