Friday Finds - Weak Managers, Thomas Jefferson, Resignation
This week, I had the first session of my spring Executive Pastors Coaching Network. Fourteen leaders from churches around the country gathered to talk about navigating ministry and sharing solutions for problems that many, if not all, churches face at some point. If you're interested in joining my fall network, you can find more information here. I'm pretty excited that we'll be joined by Dan Reiland and Doug Slaybaugh as special guest facilitators.
Whether you're a church staff person, a business leader, a grocery store clerk, a parent, or a college student, here are some resources I think will encourage your leadership capacity where ever you are.
4 Must Have Characteristics Of People You Want On Your Team by Kevin Lloyd via
Kevin Lloyd serves as the Executive Pastor at Stevens Creek Church in Augusta, GA. He was a part of my coaching network last fall. He knows a thing or two about leading teams. In this article, he writes 4 characteristics to look for in potential hires. I love this quote, "Arrogance is only attractive to the one who possesses it. It is the selfie of leadership."
Five Things Weak Managers Do Instead Of Leading by Liz Ryan via
Have you ever met or worked under a leader who spent more time micromanaging, than empowering? Or scolding instead of inspiring? Being an over-bearing manager doesn't necessarily make a strong leader, it usually makes a weak boss. Here are 5 things those types of leaders do. Do a quick self-reflection and identify any that you may be guilty of.
10 Leadership Lessons I Learned From Thomas Jefferson via
We're deep into election season and my social media feeds are flooded with hateful opinions and articles debating which candidate is better or worse and who I should give my vote to. In light of that, a great leader and my friend, Tony Morgan, wrote down 10 lessons he learned about leadership from our nation's 3rd president, Thomas Jefferson.
4 Reasons Your Pastor Left After One Year by Sam Murray via
You spend months, perhaps even years, pouring through resumes, listening to samples of sermons, and interviewing candidates. You finally bring someone on who you think will lead your church for the next 15 or 20 years, and then a year later, you get a resignation letter. What went wrong? Where was the disconnect? Sam Murray, a member of our Vanderbloemen team writes 4 reasons why your pastor left and what you can do to help them stay.