Friday Finds: Dream Jobs, Single Women, and the 20-Mile March

Among the fun things I get to do is help church leadership teams diagnose staffing or structure challenges. Last week, I spent a couple days with Doug Halcomb, Mark Porter (pictured), and the leadership team at Live Oak Community Church in Lubbock, Texas. Although I blurred out the whiteboard so you can't see our amazing work, you can see that Mark was pretty happy.

Here are five articles I found interesting or helpful this week. I hope they help you lead smarter.

Top 10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader by Tanya Prive via

I talk to leaders all the time, and one thing that is consistent is that they all want to improve and get better at leading. In this article, Tanya Prive gives 10 qualities to focus on for leaders looking to grow. One of my favorite quotes in the article, "It's important to remember that trusting your team with your idea is a strength, not weakness." Good stuff.

7 Important Things Every Way-Too-Busy Leader Forfeits via

I've seen way too many friends and gifted leaders burn out and forfeit important areas of their lives because they don't focus on their core. They sacrifice things like meaning, peace and purpose. Carey's article will pull you back to what is most important.

How To Turn Your Current Job Into Your Dream Job by Stephanie Vozza via

Like the company you work for but not the job? Here are some ways you can be proactive to remedy the situation and find purpose in your current work.

The Single American Woman by Rebecca Traister via

This is a long article, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Women are getting married later in life, and some are choosing not to marry altogether. The effects of this historic shift are being felt throughout society, including the 2016 election. Check out this fascinating article and an excerpt from this book by Rebecca being released next week.

How To Manage Through Chaos via

This article is an oldy by goody by business genius Jim Collins. The companies or organizations that win in the long-run are those that engage in the twenty-mile march. Jim gives three reasons, but I'm not going to give them away. Read the article to find out what they are.

Tim Stevens