I Hope You Had a Great Mother's Day

To all the moms who get up early to make lunches and check backpacks, I hope you had a great Mother's Day. To all the moms with teens who love you but don't know how to show it so it comes off more like disdain or disinterest, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who read to your kids every day, help them with homework, pay for tutors and still have a child who struggles in school, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who spend more time behind the wheel of your car than a taxi cab driver just to get your kids from point a to point b and then do it again because they forgot something, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who play ridiculous games with your children and don't ever seem to get bored, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who did everything right during pregnancy and still lost your child, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who changed more diapers last week than there are stars in the sky (or at least it feels that way), I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who work a full-time job plus do all the mom stuff and fall into bed exhausted at night...alone...I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who know there isn't enough money yet still do what they can to create that special 'backyard vacation' so the kids feel valued, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who have three or four little ones who all are extremely needy and yet you still find a way to make yourself beautiful and put a smile on your face, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who lost a child way too soon through a car accident or terrible illness or some other tragedy, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who are able to magically juggle school, sports, church, PTA, homework, family activities and more, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To all the moms who want to give up, but don't, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

To my mom, to my wife's mom, to the mother of my children, to the tremendous mom's I work with every day, I hope you all had a great Mother's Day.

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