Patrick's Last Message

I can't fully explain what it was like to sit and listen to Patrick McGoldrick deliver what likely was his last message at Cornerstone Baptist--the place he has served for 12 years. Many of you have followed his story, and I've heard from scores of you from around the country who are praying for my brother-in-law as he battles ALS. Six months ago, life was good and the future was bright. But life is so fragile, and now each day brings new challenges for Patrick, Dena, Paige and Parker. Confession--I rarely sit listening to a preacher and wish he would go longer. But last Sunday, I could have listened to Patrick talk all day.

I know you don't have time to watch this. You have things to do, people to see, places to go.

But let me make a promise to you--if you take an hour to sit and watch Patrick's message...your life will be touched. You will think differently about your own life and future, and you will be challenged to consider what it really means to trust God.


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