What I Learned from the Oscars
I'll admit I don't have a great memory, but I thought the 84th Academy Award show was the best ever. Great production. Homerun.
Of course, I can't ever watch or experience anything without wondering how it might translate to the real world. Here are some of my take-aways from last night's show...
- I love that Hollywood takes a night every year to celebrate. I don't think we do that enough in the church. We tend to keep marching onward to the next weekend or event--and we miss taking time to say thanks to those who have excelled with their God-given talents.
- It was a live show last night, but there were multiple pre-produced videos. I think the producers understand that "live" can only do so much. The right, excellent video helps transition live moments and emotionally prepare the audience for what is coming next. This made me even more grateful for our team of video wizards who spend so much time planning and producing significant video elements every weekend.
- Many of the commercials were very obviously produced specifically for the Oscars. I think their quality and effectiveness rivaled the Super Bowl commercials. Pay attention church: There is a power when the things you are announcing or promoting are tied in tightly to the theme or topic of the service.
- I especially liked the quality of the JC Penney commercials. It appears they are trying to remake their brand. It was bold--and they focused on things that were unique to them (i.e. return anything anytime). JC Penney has been around a long time, but with an effective campaign, they can look like they are new. Established churches could learn from that.
- Billy Crystal is a great emcee--even though he's not the most talented person in the room. We sometimes think the pastor (or other paid staff) should be the only guy on the stage talking. There are many talented people in our congregation who would do a great job at moderating a service or event.
I'd love to hear your take-aways as well. Leave a comment!