How About a "Masters-Level" Course on Being an Executive Pastor?

I've said it before and it's still true today: One of the most enjoyable things I get to do is lead a Coaching Network for Executive Pastors. In a couple of months, I'm going to offer this again. I will be meeting with 12 church leaders for a coaching experience which begins in March and concludes in May. I'm designing it specifically for Executive Pastors (or leaders in a similar role) who want to take their leadership to the next level. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but here is my best attempt…

  • It will be personal. Highly practical. Intensive. Relational. Collaborative.
  • Think less conference or workshop–and more hands-on graduate study program.
  • We will drill down on building teams, hiring and firing, developing a healthy staff culture, leading change, budget and money issues, communication strategies and more.

It's not going to be cheap or easy. It will involve an investment of money and time, and a commitment to travel (Granger isn't "on the way" to anywhere). But for those who join me–I promise it will be an experience that will enhance your ministry and take you to the next level of personal leadership. Here are some comments from my most recent group that just finished up last month...

"It was like getting three masters-level courses on being an Executive Pastor." (Dale Roddy, Crossroads Church, Oakdale, PA)

"The leadership resources that Tim provided and led makes me feel like I jumped a few years in the process of development." (Billy Creech, Lake Center Bible Church, Portage, MI)

"Without the opportunity to learn from the workshop sessions and the other pastors, it would have taken me nearly a decade (of successes and failures) to learn it by experiencing it first-hand. This saved us money by a factor of at least 10!" (Anonymous)

"The full disclosure and transparency shown to us was very much appreciated. Add to that the networking with other Executive Pastors, and the Granger resources that were given to us, and the entire experience has been the best investment to my growth since being in ministry!" (Tim Hastings, Oakridge Baptist Church, Salisbury MD)

If you are interested, there is good news and bad news. The good news: This the first day I'm talking about it publicly. If you act quickly, there is a good chance you can be involved. But here is the bad news: In past years, the slots have filled up very quickly, and so we added a second network to an additional 12 leaders. In order to balance my time with my family and ministry responsibilities, I will not be adding a second group. There will be only one group this Spring. Once these 12 slots are gone...the network will be closed.

Download information here: Executive Pastors Coaching Network Spring 2012

I'm really praying that God will put together an amazing group and can't wait to see what happens!

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