Have We Lost our Edge?

It crossed my mind last night, "Have we lost our edge?" Why did I wonder that? Is it because people aren't coming to Christ? Or believers aren't growing in their faith? Or marriages aren't being healed? Or the community isn't receiving the love and grace of Jesus through acts of kindness?

No, all of that is happening. In fact, it is all happening in increasing numbers.

But tonight a name crossed my mind that I hadn't thought of for months.


She has ceased talking about us. I did a quick search of her articles about Granger, and for months we were on the top of her radar. But lately...nothing. Strange silence.

I'm concerned. You think I'm saying this sarcastically. I'm not.

What are we doing that is so edgy that it makes normal church people say "you can't do that in church" but compels those who need Jesus to come in and find out more? What are we doing that takes us out of the line of this-is-how-you-are-supposed-to-do-church and makes those who live in that line stand up and take notice? What are we doing that is so surprisingly effective that it shakes the gates of Hell and causes Satan to become so flustered that he rattles the Christians and gets them shooting arrows at each other?

There is something to this. I seriously think we lost our edge. But about six weeks ago...we got it back. And now, we are more intentional than ever in our pursuit of claiming our city for Christ doing anything we possibly can short of sin.

Here we come. It starts this week.

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