Are We Fashioning a Golden Calf to Give the People What They Want?

In response to our Sex for Sale series, Aaron commented...

"The Church is called to preach Christ and Him crucified for YOU. A topic on sex is nothing but a marketing scheme or gimmick to attract a crowd. If the forgiveness of sins is not preached, then the Church is preaching "another" Gospel, that is, a counterfeit Gospel. I'm convinced that Granger is fashioning a golden calf to give the people what they want instead of what they need. We sinners need Christ and Him crucified. If Christ isn't preached, then all of the pastors' work at Granger is worthless."

I replied...

"It is the same in our culture. We earn the right to be heard by helping people with their needs. They need help with their marriage, or their kids, or their money, or yes, even their sex life. The Bible says so much about all those areas. Once we help them with their felt needs--we have captured their attention and can 'preach Christ and Him crucified'."

What are your thoughts?

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