Stuff on my Mind

It's Monday morning. I took Tylenol PM last here is what is on my drug-induced mind...

  • Let me introduce you to a person just entering the blogging world. His name is Jason Miller and you've heard me quote from him in the past. Jason has the whole package - he's a great teacher, worship leader, musician and writer. I know you'll enjoy his insights at
  • Since I haven't been to college, there is something inside me that smiles when I see one of my books used as a texbook at a seminary or college. There have been at least eight seminaries or colleges that I know of including this recent one that lists Pop Goes the Church as required reading.
  • Read an interesting article on the Slate blog called Are Christians Stingy? When Believers Don't Believe in Giving. The author of this article reviews a new book called Passing the Plate: Why American Christians Don't Give Away More Money. Haven't read the book, but the article is very enlightening.
  • My friend Adam was one of the guys I had to let go last week. He's going to make an amazing employee for someone somewhere. More about that tomorrow.
  • I'm not a fan of professional football, but the game last night was pretty exciting. Miss any of the SuperBowl advertisements? Watch them all here.
  • It is nice to have my house addition just about done. I include most my personal updates on Facebook (not on this blog), so if you feel like you've been missing out, become my friend there and check out my construction pics.
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