Guaranteed to Make Women Take Their Clothes Off

PajamagramIn case you have any doubt that Mark Beeson has a sense of humor, you only had to read this blog post last week...

"I was watching the television news. During a commercial break an ad declared there is a gift guaranteed to make women take their clothes off.  I don’t know what you think about such a gift, but to me it seems a dangerous notion indeed. I’m sure warning labels clearly explain the perils that accompany each package, but imagine the issues you’ll face if the present is opened without proper caution, or in a crowded room!

"Unsettled by the prospect of a gift so potent women can’t stay clothed in its presence, I averted my eyes and switched channels to watch the news on another station.  (I’m an equal-opportunity propaganda consumer.) Imagine my surprise when I discovered the present guaranteed to make women take their clothes off was also capable of taking over the television airwaves!  The omnipresent pajama promo proved unavoidable and though my digits danced, and the remote took me through a universe of options, I could not escape its influence. That pajama commercial was everywhere…except on the stations selling Teddy Bears - which apparently cause women to behave as if they've been given the gift of pajamas!"

If you haven't become acquainted with Mark Beeson's blog, you should check it out. In addition to his humor, Mark has some great insights--plus, every one of his posts includes his original photography (not including the photo above which I borrowed from


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