The 30-Night Rule...An Update

Early in 2008 I made a commitment to my family, to my boss, and to you. You can read it here, but in summary I said...

  • There is a dynamic tension in trying to juggle the priorities that are important to me (family, ministry, learning, writing).
  • In the last couple years, I've spent too many nights away from home.
  • In 2008, I plan to intentionally keep my priorities right.

And so, I committed to take control of my schedule and spend no more than 30 nights away from my wife in 2008.

My travels are done this year, and I'm glad to report that I stayed well within my goal for the year. Thank you for your prayers, and for the handful of you who asked me on occasion how I was doing.


The 30-night rule was the right decision for me in 2008. For you, the right decision might be 60-nights...or 3-nights. I don't know, but if traveling is a part of your life, then it's important to get some helpful counsel from people who know and love you. I made this decision in consultation with three important people:

  1. My wife - she's the one who has to carry the load when I'm gone. She's also the one who knows when I start to get "toasty" because of an insane schedule.
  2. Mark Beeson - he's my boss and close friend. It's important to me that I'm fulfilling my responsibilities in leading the church, and he helps me figure this out.
  3. A few trusted friends - there are 2 or 3 other people who I confer with on every speaking request or traveling opportunity that I get. They know me. I trust their insight.

Two questions for you...

  • Are you in control of your schedule, or are you controlled by your schedule?
  • Do you allow others into your life to help you keep your priorities in check?
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