Catalyst One Day: Craig Groeschel on Personal Spiritual Momentum

Quotes from Craig's afternoon session...

  • One time I heard Hybels say, “The way I was doing the work of God was destroying the work of God within me.”
  • I will do today what I can do, to enable me to do tomorrow what I can’t do today.
  • Find your leadership dark side and confront it.
  • Most leaders don't have margin in their lives.
  • Most leaders say, 'I'll go home when my work is done.' That's one of the stupidest things you could do.
  • Delegate what someone else can do. Don't delegate responsibilities, delegate authority. Delegating responsibilities creates followers. Delegating authority creates leaders.
  • You can have high control and low growth -- or lower control and high growth. But you can't have both.
  • You are the only one who can care for yourself and take time off.
  • Don't sacrifice your family on the altar of ministry.

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