To the 450 in my Session at Catalyst Labs

What an afternoon! Even though we had some minor (okay, MAJOR) technical difficulties, you stuck it out and hopefully found the lab helpful.

I promised you the videos from today's session. Enjoy...

#1) To prove a point that I didn't grow up in the middle of pop culture, I planned to start by playing a short piece of this video of me in a quartet from 20 years ago...

2) All around us people are on a spiritual journey. Many don't include the church in that journey, but some do...

3) Many people no longer go to church, because they have found that church isn't a safe place for them to ask their questions...

4) When you leverage pop culture in your church, sometimes you'll take some hits. But these are good questions that are being asked. We just need to be prepared to answer them...

5) Last December we offered a series at Granger called Let it Be Christmas: The Gospel According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, George and Ringo.

6) The Beatles were asking real questions that people all around us today are still asking. The church has the real opportunity to focus on the questions of the culture, just like Paul did in Acts 17, and reinterpret these pop culture for our communities.

7) To begin the Q&A segment, I had planned to show this video. People ask me all the time, "How do you find Jesus in the culture?" In this video you'll find me helping  my assistant, Adam, figure out this very question. We join one of my regular weekly meetings with Adam...

And finally, here is the Big Idea sheet that we use for planning services:

Download GrangerBigIdeaSheet.pdf

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