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Diversity at Whiteboard

I'm spending the day working on my talk for the Whiteboard Sessions conference. There are several things true about this conference...

  • Since I first heard about it, I've been excited! Love the concept of 8 short sessions, each speaker focusing on one big idea.
  • Ever since I was asked to be in the line-up, I've felt like a dwarf among giants.
  • It must be the most diverse speaker line-up ever. On the other end of the spectrum from me, one of the other speakers was recently described as a pastor who "shuns cultural relevance."
  • It will definitely be the most diverse crowd I've ever spoken to. I've heard from some people who strongly disagree with my recent book who are planning to attend the conference.
  • I'm pretty excited to sit at the feet of the other 7 speakers. I know God will speak to me through each one of them.

The conference is two weeks from today, but it's not too late to sign up.