Brand New Workshop


I'm getting prepared to teach Pop Goes the Church in an all-day workshop for the first time ever. It takes place March 14th on the Granger campus.

There are several pros and cons of attending on March 14th...

  • Pro: You get to spend the whole day with me. Con: You have to spend the whole day with me.
  • Pro: As a part of your registration, you will receive one of the first copies of the book. Con: You don't get a free knife set.
  • Pro: On the same day and at the same time, Kem, Mark, Butch and Jason are also training church leaders. Con: You can't go to all of have to pick.
  • Pro: You might see this guy roaming the hallways. Con: He bites when provoked.
  • Pro: You might find there are still several inches of snow on the ground. Con: We don't break for recess. Leave your snow pants at home.

I'd love to spend the day with you. Registration is open.

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