30-Day Sex Challenge
I love when a church is willing to take a risk! Relevant Church from Tampa, Florida, has made some waves in the press today. It began with an article in the St. Petersburg Times which was then picked up by FoxNews.com.
Some quotes from the article...
- "An openly edgy Christian church is launching what they're calling a 30-Day Sex Challenge to help members improve their relationships and rediscover themselves."
- "Single folks are to abstain from sex for 30 days...Married folks, on the other hand, are supposed to have sex every day for 30 days."
- "Relevant Church leaders know the campaign may shock, even disgust, some people in and outside the church. But that was the idea. Create a buzz about a topic a lot of people don't like to talk about."
My congrats to Pastor Paul Wirth and the team at Relevant. You are tackling a cultural topic head-on that the Bible speaks to. You will take some hits (as did Jesus), but will have an opportunity to introduce many in your community to the relevancy of the Bible and a relationship with Christ.
Update 2/20/08: Story hits MSNBC with video report.