Link Love

I haven't been able to read other blogs for several days, so got caught up. Some interesting ones...

  • I got slammed yesterday over on the Old Truth blog. They gave me an award for being "blinded by relevance." There were more than 60 comments about how arrogant, sinful, blinded, unbiblical, new age and blasphemous that I am. I stopped letting these types of posts bother me a long time ago...I just find it interesting.
  • Several people are happy about being able to review my book, including Terry, Tim, Steven, Joe, Gilbert, Evan, and Rebecca. I did end up picking more than 10 to help me (cause I just couldn't decide), but wasn't able to include everyone.
  • Kent Shaffer linked to 4 Wild and Crazy Christmas Services including Granger's.
  • Tony Morgan called me handsome.
  • Quote from Daryl McMullen's wife: "Have sex on a regular basis." I bet Daryl is smiling.
  • I read that the iPhone got its' first virus. Sorry Ben.
  • Ben Arment gave us a bunch more details about The WhiteBoard Sessions. Registration opens up on February 4th -- and I wouldn't be surprised if it sells out right away.
  • I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Perry Noble with his wife before. I think he is literally 3 feet taller than his wife. Can anyone verify this?
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