Newest Beatles Promotional Video

Just two more days until the launch of Let it Be Christmas, our December series based on the music of the Beatles. In a recent discussion about the series, Michael Danner left this comment:

Am I missing something (that is an honest question)? I don't go to Granger! All I know about Granger I have read on the web through blogs like this. But I have never heard/read/seen anyone from GCC saying they endorse what the Beatles stood for/said/sang about, etc. I also never heard them say they are going to teach people about Jesus using Beatles songs. What they are doing (again - correct me if I'm wrong) is taking common human longings/struggles as expressed through the popular music of the Beatles and bringing them into conversation with the Gospel found in the scriptures. In the end their goal is to answer the struggle/longing/needs/confusion found in the Beatles music with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm struggling to understand what is wrong with that?

I quote King David's Psalms quite a bit, but that doesn't mean that I endorse sleeping with someone else's wife, getting her pregnant and having her husband killed to cover up my sins (and all that stuff is IN the Bible and done by a "man after God's own heart").

You don't have to endorse a single word of what John Lennon said to counter his worldview with the gospel.

Good thoughts Mr. Danner.

Here is our most recent promotional trailer for the series:

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