
This week we are launching our biggest advertising blitz of the year for the next series. Some highlights...

  • The series begins the weekend after school starts (Aug 18). This is historically one of our highest-attended series of the year.
  • The series is called "The Office" and will focus on helping people in their daily work lives. Yes, we'll be pulling elements in from the popular TV show.
  • We are buying 8 different billboards that will be put up around town beginning a week from today. This is double the number we used for the infamous feet-at-the-end-of-the-bed billboards.
  • The billboards are viral. They won't include the name of the church or information about the series. The billboards will invite people to an interactive website designed to create buzz about the series:
  • At, the guest will be able to leave their own office confession, add a photo of their messy office, or share a video of something crazy happening in their office. And, of course, they will be invited to join us for The Office series.
  • We're mailing 45,000 postcards to the community and printing another 15,000 to hand to our own people to give away to their friends.
  • Advertisements will be running in area newspapers.

We'd love your help to leave your own office confessions on now. We'd like to have this site well populated before the billboards and advertisements go live.

PDF of the series postcard: Download office_postcard_small.pdf

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