
It has arrived. Has there ever been a product so anticipated in the history of the universe that it has actually turned grown men into drooling shadows of their formal selves with the ability to only discuss one topic? (I'm not mentioning any names).

I've enjoyed watching videos and reading articles since the arrival last Friday:

  • Here is a hilarious video of a man opening his iPhone for the first time. It spoofs a Nintendo 64 commercial from several decades ago.
  • A comedic video called iSanity explores the obsession in depth.
  • A very funny and sarcastic article about the media's fascination with the iPhone. The beginning of the article sets the tone: "Contrary to what the hype would have had you believe, Christ himself did not return to Earth this past Friday to render judgment. Apple simply released a cell phone. Now that the day of days has come and gone and the planet is recovering from its collective hangover, we think it's time to step back and ask ourselves just what the heck happened. What did we all get caught up in?"

It should be noted that I think the iPhone is pretty cool. Right now, however, it is more cool than productive. When my IT guys tell me it works flawlessly with Microsoft Exchange--I'll consider it.

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