Weekend Survey

This weekend we once again surveyed the crowd. This is our 3rd time to survey using almost identical questions.

  • Our primary goal is to measure how we are doing on our Focus on Five initiatives.
  • Asking the same questions each time helps you see if your church is making progress. For example, we ask "how many times you read the Bible in the past 7 days (not including church)?" We want to know if, as a whole, our people are getting better at Bible reading.
  • This takes 5 minutes out of the weekend. We stop the "show" and just all do the survey together. A pen is provided on every chair and the survey is in the bulletin. Watch this weekend's service here to see how it was conducted at the very beginning of the service.
  • A group of volunteers are ready to go on Monday to enter the data, report on the results, and compare it to the previous surveys.
  • We are able to drill down on results. For example, are the people who have been attending for 3 to 5 years continuing to take steps...or have they grown complacent?
  • As we analyze results, it is important to us that our church as a whole doesn't grow "too spiritual." It's our hope that we always have 20% to 30% of the crowd as "seekers" -- just kicking the tires and checking out the claims of Christ. Mark Beeson would say, "We don't want our salt density to be too high."

Want to see the survey? Actually, you can have it.

Download survey3_07

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