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A Limited 3-Day Experience for Church Leaders in Orlando

I’ll be honest.

I don’t love conferences. It’s not the best environment for me to learn. I need engagement and conversation with others to take a deep-dive on topics that matter to me. I need time to think, a place for hallway conversations, and the sharing of ideas over good food and drinks.

For years I’ve wanted to put together this type of experience for executive pastors and organizational church leaders. I’ve wanted to plan the type of gathering that I would want to attend, the environment where I would be most likely to learn — and then invite others to join me.

It’s happening. On March 1-3, 2023, I’m planning an intimate gathering for executive church leaders in Orlando. And I’m limiting this to 40 leaders. Why only 40? Because I think it begins to feel too big if there are more than 40. I want us to be able to sit in one room around tables without having to pass a microphone around. I want the opportunity to get to know every leader who attends.

I started talking to a small network of friends about this a week or so ago, and the first 10 slots filled up quickly. Today is my first time to talk about it publicly. Once the remaining 30 spots are filled, we will close registration.

You might have some of these questions…

  • Do I have to be an Executive Pastor? I don’t care about your title. If you sit around the leadership table at your church and have responsibility for more than one department, this is for you.

  • Who are the speakers? You. Me. The people around you. I’ll ask someone to give a short talk to launch us into a topic. After that, we’ll be learning through what others are doing, attempting, succeeding at, or failing at. This will be 25% Ted Talk and 75% real-world roundtable conversation.

  • What does my registration fee cover? The cost covers all the meals, a shared PGA golf experience activity, and two nights of lodging. We tried to get the cost lower, but learned there is this thing called “spring break” happening in March. Evidently everyone from my part of the country makes their way to Orlando at the same time. Even though it took a modern-day miracle, the win for you is we found a fabulous location that elevates this to a premium experience with fabulous food and a resort-style all-inclusive experience.

  • Can I bring others with me? Yes, as long as we still have spots available. Shoot me an email and I’ll try to work out a group discount for your team.

I really think this is going to be a fantastic learning experience—but even more than that, the relational and networking opportunities that emerge will long outlast the gathering. I’d love to have you join me. Sign up here soon.