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Moving to Texas

On April 8th I did the scariest thing I’ve ever done and turned in my resignation to a place I’d given my life for 20 years. The scary part wasn’t resigning—I had great peace about that—the scary part was doing it without having had one conversation with anyone about a job. Someone told me that was pretty risky. I responded, “There is a fine line between risk and stupidity, and I’m not sure which side of the line I’m on right now.” I just knew, as I left my job, I wanted to honor the people and church I love.

My goal in leaving was threefold:

  1. Leave well
  2. Burn no bridges
  3. Do everything to ensure a smooth transition.

I submitted myself to the Granger leadership and we worked out a transition plan. It included staying an additional seven weeks fulltime, then another three months in a coaching/transitional role. My transitional responsibilities come to an end next week, and that is when I will officially be turning in my key and walking away from my role on the Granger staff team. It’s not easy saying goodbye, but I feel great about the transition.

These past four months have reminded me again that God knows what He is doing and is quite capable of leading in our lives. Although it was scary to resign a stable job with nothing on the horizon—He has led each step of the way. We’ve had to rely on Him more in the past few months than in years, but that has increased our trust in Him. And for that, I am grateful.

As my family and I leave one great season with gratitude, we look to the next with anticipation. I have accepted a role as the Executive Search Consultant Team Leader at the Vanderbloemen Search Group. That’s a lot of words—but it just means I’ll have the opportunity to pour into a gifted team of men and women who walk with Jesus and are giving their lives to help staff the church.

There is so much that has attracted me to this team. This is a young company with a strong track record and solid foundation. I’ve known William Vanderbloemen for several years, and actually hired his team a few years ago at Granger when we were looking to fill a key position. The Vanderbloemen Search Group is unmatched in its’ process and results in helping churches find great leaders, and I can’t wait to dive in and join them in building the kingdom.

I will start doing some work with Vanderbloemen in a couple weeks, then begin full-time in January. Our house has already sold, and we will be moving our family to Houston next summer after Hunter has finished high school and Taylor has finished 8th grade.

We’d appreciate your prayers as our family begins this new journey, especially during this transitional year as I commute back and forth between Granger and Houston. My heart still beats passionately for the church—and I’m grateful to be in a role where I can continue to add value to pastors and congregations across the country.

If I can serve you or your church in any way, please let me know.