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I'm Giving Away "Pop Goes the Church"

Pop Goes the Church was one of the coolest projects I had ever worked on when I wrote it in 2008. It was my first "solo" book, it came out of a huge passion, and it enabled me to put a voice to the theological implications of the contemporary church which was beginning to engage culture in a huge way.

The book was widely received and I had the opportunity to do many radio and TV interviews, as well as offer my perspective for news reports published in the Wall Street Journal and Atlanta Journal Constitution, among others. 

Some leaders I highly respect said some amazing things about the book:

Bill Hybels: "Pop Goes the Church should be read by every pastor, church leader, and layperson who wants to connect people to Jesus but is finding it hard to be heard in our media-saturated culture."

Guy Kawasaki: "Pop Goes the Church provides a curve-jumping, revolution-starting approach to changing churches..."

Craig Groeschel: "Pop Goes the Church will challenge you, convict you, and inspire you to be more intentional about doing whatever it takes to reach people with the message of Christ."

A fun book that added some tremendous value to the church world. But here's the deal--when the publisher went out of business in 2011, I bought all their remaining supply of books. Because they were the publisher of record, the book became "unavailable" on Amazon and sales pretty much dried up. We had an extremely difficult time getting the book listed prominently back on Amazon. Additionally, since I will be moving soon (more details on that later), I do not want to pay to move the books to a new location.

That's why I'm giving them away. There are only two catches...

  • I'm giving them away in quantities of 40. Why? Because that's how many are in a box.
  • If you pick them up from me, they are completely free. No shipping charge. If you want me to send them to you, you'll need to pay for shipping. It costs me approximately $1/book to ship them. So if you pay $40 for shipping, I'll send you 40 books (international addresses will cost more).

You might ask...why would you want 40 copies? The obvious answer is TO GIVE THEM AWAY!

Recently Pastor Glenn Bone drove over from Chicago to pick up four boxes of Pop Goes the Church. He's the pastor at Good Seed Ministries and was doing everything he could to educate his people on why he sometimes used pop culture to illustrate points or communicate truth. Yet some of his people were still confused or questioning whether it was okay for him to use these secular illustrations or props. He gave them each a copy of the book and helped walk them through the reasons why it's not only permissible to use pop culture--but there are actually many biblical examples of Jesus, Paul and others doing the very same thing!

A few things you'll find in the book...

  • Examples from 20 different churches (big, small, urban, suburban) about how they use pop culture to teach truth.
  • Ten different examples from Scripture of how pop culture was leveraged to reach people.
  • A case for how using pop culture in your church might be the very thing that will free your church to get unstuck and begin growing again.
  • Very practical tips on how your team can find appropriate movies, TV shows, or songs to use in your teaching.

I'm only offering this until quantities run out, or until July 15th, whichever comes first. After this offer, the book will likely be out-of-print and no longer available. So if you want to take advantage of this--send me an email to tim@leadingsmart.com and tell me how many boxes you want. If you are picking them up, we'll make arrangements to meet. If I'm shipping them, I'll send you a Paypal invoice and get them out to you.