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On His Way Home

You may have been following the adventures of Mark Beeson and Steve Evans. Here is a summary and my final update...

  • They flew to Alaska on November 3rd.
  • It required 4 planes to get them there--the final leg was a two-seater taking them from Kodiak City to a lake near their hunting lodge (they landed on the water).
  • Mark took some guns (he loves to hunt), but also took his cameras. His photography is a love and has become a growing passion in recent years.
  • They were supposed to fly home last Friday, November 11th.
  • However, an Alaskan "super storm" hit. Some of the local papers in Alaska called it the "storm of the century."
  • Mark and Steve were safe in their hunting lodge. Many other hunters got stranded in their tents out in the wild.
  • As if a blizzard wasn't enough, an earthquake shook the area a few days ago.
  • Mark and Steve were finally picked up by the two-seat airplane yesterday (Thursday) and taken to Kodiak City.
  • It's rumored that they stayed in a hotel last night in Kodiak and got their first showers in 15 days! Oh my!
They will be making their way home through Anchorage and Chicago over the next couple days. Thank you for your prayers!
Be sure to tune in to Mark's blog next week for stories from his adventure!