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Significant Changes in Youth Ministry

While we've been changing virtually everything at Granger this summer, it should be mentioned that our youth ministry has been going through a major over-haul as well. And as a parent of a high school student and two middle school students, I'm pretty happy about it!

Here is a summary:

  • Name change - in order to simplify it and communicate big changes, we've left behind the old titles of "Oasis" and "Lifeline" and now we just call it "Granger Student Ministry," or GSM for short. It connects student ministry to the church, and makes it easy for newcomers without feeling like it is a club.
  • Mission alignment -- instead of having a separate unique mission statement, it is identical to the church mission (only adding the word "students"): Helping STUDENTS take their next step toward Christ...together.
  • Meeting on the same night -- Middle School has now moved from Wednesday nights to Sunday afternoon. Parents who have kids in both programs can focus their taxi services on one day of the week.
  • Small groups decentralized -- Instead of having all teens break into small groups at every weekly gathering (which made it uncomfortable for new students), the small groups are being decentralized throughout the week.
  • Midweek Bible study added -- During the Journey Bible classes that were added for adults, the teens meet at the same time for a more indepth Bible study. Last week 153 students gathered for week #1.
  • Parents group added -- a new gathering has been added for parents during the Sunday gatherings.
  • Parents website added -- check it out here.

Again, as a parent, I love these changes. As a pastor, I'm proud of our team!

Check out this video promo of their current series: