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Mark Beeson Closes Innovate

We opened the final session by singing "Happy Birthday" to Billy Graham for his 90th. All 800 of us went up on the stage...it was definitely a first. Then Mark Beeson closed the session with these thoughts...

  • It is tempting to look good for a few minutes. It is easy to look good for a few days, or months, or even years. But eventually, what's inside comes out.
  • I often ask, "Why aren't we reaching more people?" The answer I constantly get is: "When you grow up, I'll give you more."
  • "At the time of year when kings go to war, David stayed home..." It was when the pressure was off that David got lazy and made bad choices.
  • Whoever God gives the message to...it is their responsibility to translate it. It's not the hearer's job to translate.
  • It is the job of the leader to intercept entropy...to smell trouble before others do.
  • In America today, people come to church expecting to feel something (even if they don't understand it).
  • Deep down, we are all 12-year olds. Before commiting to anything, we always ask, "Who else is going?"
  • When you are bringing people on your team...
    • Make sure you are going the same direction and agree on the mission.
    • The more precise you are on who you are and what you are doing--the more latitude you can have on the how it gets done.

A tremendous end to a great conference. If you weren't able to be here, watch the website for videos of some of the sessions.