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My Dad Read My Book

I received an email from my dad last night. He got Pop Goes the Church and read it in one day. He sent me his thoughts...

"We both got started in your book quickly. I just finished it a few minutes ago. Son, it was well written and strongly supports your passion for reaching out to others, for the opportunity of presenting to them, Jesus. I'm so proud of you and the journey that your love for Christ has taken you.  I enjoyed reading it (not because your wrote it, well maybe), but because I found it interesting and challenging to the traditions I am use to. It is causing me to think and will cause me to study the scriptures more, focusing in on how Jesus and the authors of His word reached others. You will probably take some shots from the Christian world (we are our worst enemy, sometimes we assist the devil in our ignorance) in the days ahead, most leaders do. Continue to trust Him and serve him with the talents he has given you."

I'm good to go now. I can face any criticism that comes. My dad likes my book. What else matters?