Great Weather, Carpentry and a Root Canal

Random thoughts on a Tuesday afternoon from Phoenix...

  • I can't wait to tell you who is now blogging. This is big news--stay tuned!
  • Last night I had dinner with Tom Doyle of National CineMedia. They have 170 churches in theaters all across the country. We had a great conversation.
  • Jim Tomberlin was also at dinner with Tom and I. Jim is a consultant who is helping churches all across the country launch into multi-site strategies. He has been "holding our hand" for several months now.
  • I ran into Mike Meeks and BenSeligman from EastLake Church in Chula Vista, California. Very cool guys...also planning an aggressive roll-out of multi-sites next year.
  • My 14-year old daughter got her braces off yesterday, but had a root canal this morning. I wish I was there to give her a hug.
  • Is it a sin that I am REALLY loving this weather?
  • I had a good time with David Bisgrove, executive pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian in NYC. Cool guy.
  • I spent 4 days last week working on a carpentry project in my basement. Working on a handyman project is therapy for me. It renews me.
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